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  • Writer's picturebobgraybosch

One week later

Thank's to all of you for your words of encouragement! It's been 9 days since my BPD/DS Surgery. Here's what has happened.

PAIN: The pain immediately after surgery was a 7 for me. I was given a pain pump which I used until the following morning. By then pain was a 7. It hurt more to get up, but once up it felt better. I was given oral painkillers when I left the hospital. Pain level at discharge was a 4 and stayed in that area for 3-4 days at home and gradually subsided to almost none today, 9 days out. I was expecting worse pain as mine was the most involved of weight loss surgeries.

FOOD: I'm still on a liquid diet until next Thursday. I feel like I can move on, but Dr cautioned that we really don't want to blow out any stitches in there. Liquid is to let the digestive system rest and heal. At least I can can love to thicker liquids now. Today we went to my favorite restaurant, Captain Jack's and I was able to have a most delicious Clam Chowder with no problem, except that my food intake is a maximum of 6 ounces at a time right now. I watched the people this fine establishment eat beside me for the first time since surgery. To all sides I watched normal people eating and it appeared to me I was in the middle of a fresh Lion Kill and many of them were eating salads! It took me about the same time to do my serving as it took for a normal lunch. You're not supposed to have water at the same time as you eat because it takes up valuable real estate in my belly.

WEIGHT LOSS: The journey began when I met Dr. Chasen. To prepare the body for surgery some weight was required. It took 8 weeks, but I was able to loose 13.4 lbs. over the Holidays. In the time since Surgery 9.4 lbs. Total 22.8 lbs. 83 to go!

EXCERCISE: I am working my way back to 2+ miles a day. With my ME/CFS it is very hard to increase activity, but I believe I'm successfully walking the tight rope between crashing and setbacks and slowly moving forward.

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