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  • Writer's picturebobgraybosch

Winning Battle; Losing War

As many of you know, I had weight loss surgery in late January of 2019. As of this date I am 100 lbs less than I was at the time I made the decision to have the surgery. This is great news for me! Imagine carrying around two 50 lb bags of cement on your shoulders all of the time. That's the difference today. With my weight came a variety of conditions associated with obesity and one disabling Auto Immune Disorder of unknown origin.

Fighting ME/CFS is kind of like fighting this War.

While I've made some progress with my ailments, I have not eliminated any of them yet. Most notably, my ME/CFS has not left the building. I've gone from being able to walk to the mailbox to walking up to 1 hour as long as it is on a flat surface and my pace is on the slow side of average. If I exceed this, concentrate too long; or any of a number of other things, then I pay the price.

What's the price? Just a few days ago, I read a good book for about 2 hours. That night I went to bed at 7 PM and didn't wake up until 1 PM the next day. 18 hours, and I still did not feel rested! Often the fatigue will last for several days. Additionally, each time my limit is exceeded, it exacerbates the condition. The daily tight rope I must walk is to try to rebuild my tired , weak body, but do it in such small steps, it often feels like I'm making no progress at all.

I'm not writing this to say poor me. I don't want or need any pity. While it is thrilling and probably life prolonging to lose all this weight; it is not a magic bullet. I just want to pass on realistic information in the hope someone can benefit.

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