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  • Writer's picturebobgraybosch


I know that in these highly politically charged days we are in, some might see this as a political post. It is not. This is a post about the integrity of the highest Court in the Land. Judges must remain impartial at all levels. This candidate, through his actions last week has demonstrated he is anything but impartial.

It is understandable Kavanaugh would be angry and eager to clear his name, but he went much farther for all of us to see. Appointing a person of this temperament will only further degrade our Democracy. I get that overturning Roe V Wade is a Conservative dream and filling this seat with a ringer is essential to the plan, but there are many, many other Conservative Judges from which to choose that do not and will not act impartially while still maintaining a willingness to overturn heavily settled law. I suggest Mr. Trump start looking into these candidates for the good of the Nation.

While I disagree with the intent behind this appointment and see a reversal as only a new opening in an old wound, it is every Administration's right to appoint Judges.

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